FaBBy - fabby ain't bulletin board yet

more coming soon, stay tuned

Single webpage-based FaBBy is simple, embeddable, fully customizable PHP/MySQL-based bulletin board. Everything can be customized and it supports XHTML-templates and language files. Features include URL-recognition, flood protection, badword-filter and more.

FaBBy is released under GNU General Public License

current features: (will be in first public release)
flood protection (done)
url-recognition (few bugs..)
language files (done: english, finnish)
xhtml-templates (done) (chat-style look, simple, guestbook)
badword-filter (soon..)

features coming soon:
nickname registeration
ip-based user banning
admin mode tweaks
better webpages :)

[DOWNLOAD] (coming soon..)

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mutta siis oli kaks fabbya, toinen oli fabby ja toinen faBBy, nyt faBBy:a ei voi enää käyttää koska fabby on bulletin board -slartsa 2002